Health Coaching

Dr. Gordon Smith

Jacki Jacoby Smith

Jacki is a retired Teacher Consultant for the Visually Impaired.

Gordon is the owner of Facial Beauty Dental , a cosmetic dentistry, implant and orthodontic practice. He has a holistic view of creating a great smile framed by a great face. He believes that dental health, systemic health, and self-esteem are linked.

Together we are a Certified Health Coach Team with OPTAVIA.

Nutrition & Weight Management

Stemming from the desire to achieve optimal health for ourselves, we tried various diets to lose weight, lose fat, and return to a healthy BMI (body mass index). After many unsuccessful years, Jacki, having heard from friends in Atlanta, Georgia about their success in weight loss, suggested that we try their program. So, in September 2010, we began our journey to optimal health! To our surprise, and with the help of our Atlanta health coach, 5&1 plan and the Habits of Health program we were able to reach our goals and share our success with others.

Sleep Hygiene & Apnea Screening


  • Oral appliances are often the treatment of choice for patients with snoring and/or mild to moderate obstructive sleep apnea.

  • We screen for signs of sleep apnea, offer home sleep tests and fabricate dental appliances using video scans without the need for impressions.

Do you know a person who snores or someone who has daytime sleepiness, fatigue, morning headaches, forgetfulness, or mood changes? These could be the symptoms of sleep apnea.